happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you kiera
happy birthday to you....
this is the story of a girl named norsakira binti jeffrydin...(hope i spell it right)...
today is her 26th birthday...27th February 1983...
born at sg udang melaka..but sory dear kiera aku tak tau hospital apa...:)
the first time i met her was on the 3rd January 2007...ehm actually it was during our PTD unggul 18-27 disember 2006..but then...there was about 416 young PTDians...so i wasnt really aware of her existance..hehehhe jangan marah..aku rasa kau pun tak kenal aku kan...kan kan....so i really get to know her 0n the 3rd of january...our first day lapor diri...i remembered she was sitting beside me and she wore white and black batik baju kurung...dengan porny tail hairnya....and then selama bbp hari berada dalam pool...we were destined to be in KSI together...so we we've been friends about 2 years ++ (i'm really not good in giving figure...)...masih dalam proses saling mengenali..(hahahah macam apa pula kan)...biasalah gaduh gaduh dalam bersahabat...merajuk...hehehehehe....so dear kiera...this is ur big day..hope u enjoy every moment of it...and surely this is ur last year celebrating ur birthday as a single woman (aise)..soon...ko da nak kawin...aku tau ko bahagia...dan aku pun doakan kau akan bahagia dengan pasangan hidup kau...
last but not least...happy birthday....girllllllll...daaaaaaaaaaaa
p/s-aku tujukan lagu britney spears tuk ko...i'm not a girl not yet a woman'...ahahhaha
1 comment:
ceh ceh...
TQ renn!
this is so sweet of u galfren!
ngajuk2 tu bese ar ek...
aku suka lagu yg ko tujukan tuh!!! tq beb...
ko doakan aku kawen k thn ni!
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