What is anemia?
"Anemia" (uh-NEE-mee-uh) occurs when you have less than the normal number of red blood cells in your blood or when the red blood cells in your blood don't have enough hemoglobin (HEE-muh-gloh-bin). Hemoglobin is a protein. It gives the red color to your blood. Its main job is to carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body. If you have anemia, your blood does not carry enough oxygen to all the parts of your body. Without oxygen, your organs and tissues cannot work as well as they should. More than 3 million people in the United States have anemia. Women and people with chronic diseases are at the greatest risk for anemia.
What are the signs of anemia?
Anemia takes some time to develop. In the beginning, you may not have any signs or they may be mild. But as it gets worse, you may have these symptoms:
fatigue (very common)
weakness (very common)
numbness or coldness in your hands and feet
low body temperature
pale skin
rapid or irregular heartbeat
shortness of breath
chest pain
not doing well at work or in school
All of these signs and symptoms can occur because your heart has to work harder to pump more oxygen-rich blood through the body.
How do I prevent anemia?
There are steps you can take to help prevent some types of anemia.
Eat foods high in iron:
cereal/breads with iron in it (100% iron-fortified is best. Check food label.)
lentils and beans
green, leafy vegetables such as spinach
red meat (lean only)
dried fruits such as apricots, prunes, and raisins
Eat and drink foods that help your body absorb iron, like orange juice, strawberries, broccoli, or other fruits and vegetables with vitamin C.
Don't drink coffee or tea with meals. These drinks make it harder for your body to absorb iron.
Calcium can hurt your absorption of iron. If you have a hard time getting enough iron, talk to your doctor about the best way to also get enough calcium.
Make sure you consume enough folic acid and vitamin B12.
Make balanced food choices. Most people who make healthy, balanced food choices get the iron and vitamins their bodies need from the foods they eat. Food fads and dieting can lead to anemia.
Sy mempunyai sejarah anemia di tahun 2008, dan tahun 2009 sy pernah pengsan...
Sy ingat, sy sudah baik dan sudah ok dari anemia. Tapi semalam, sy mengalami sakit kepala yang amat sangat. Berdenyut2 di sebelah otak kiri. Sy ingat, mungkin sebab sy masih belum pulih sepenuhnya dari demam sy minggu lalu. Tapi sangat menghairankan sy semalam, bila sy berdiri sy rasa mau pitam, macam tidak cukup oksigen masuk di otak. Bila sy berbaring, dan ada bila sy mau berfikir, denyutan semakin kuat dan sakit! Saya menangis semalam tidak tahan dengan kesakitan kepala sy. Sepatutnya kami ada meeting untuk training pembina malam itu, tapi bila sy drive mau p church, sakit kepala sy mencucuk-cucuk lagi. Bila sy sudah sampai di church, sy patah balik dan balik rumah terus. Sy risau sy tidak tahan duduk dan menahan sakit kepala sy.
So semalam, seawal jam 9 pm sy sudah off lampu dan mau tidur. Berpusing2 sy pada awalnya sebab tidak dapat tidur, kepala sy semakin sakit. Terus sy teringat, apakah sy baru habis datang bulan dan pemakanan sy yang kurang teratur menyebabkan sy sakit kepala begini. Sy tidak tau pukul berapa akhirnya sy terlelap, tapi syukurlah sakit kepala itu mulai reda pagi ini.
Kalau ikut simptom-simptom anemia, memang kebanyakannya sy alami. Selain dari kurang fit, sebab kurang bersenam, sy sudah jarang makan buah. Sebab itu bila nampak pagi ni c bien makan pisang, sy minta dari dia 1. Sebelum ESC, sy memang tidak lepas dari breakfast di cafe MOA, tapi selepas ESC semua waktu sy makan bertukar. Diikuti dengan demam, sy mulai tidak berselera mau breakfast...apa lagi sy ingat makanan di cafe itu semuanya berminyak. But I know, i have to do something. Kalau diteruskan macam ini, maunya sy asik pucat saja dan mau demam saja!
Badan sendiri, sendiri lah mau ingat. Kalau sakit, sendiri juga susah. huhuuuhuh
Thursday, March 11, 2010
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kan aku penah ckp.. jgn asik mkn ayam.. cube mkn daging! minum susu banyak2 and jgn asik mkn kangkung, makan bayam juga ok.. dan cukup kn rehat for ur own body..
p/s: sila ikt ckp saya cuz wpun sy bukan nutritionist berlesen tp saya student nutrition.. :)
you worry and think too much dear. things that you have no control, leave it and forget it. take good care of yourself is the most important after all. do take care!
wei kazen... tolong lah, dont take it lightly. ikut la cakap keira tu. pi jumpa doctor, jangan tangguh2 ging...
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