Wednesday, October 31, 2012
When I look back..
Blessed wednesday....'s not wordlessly wednesday..because i'm planning to write more here.... ^^ (it's the end of the month)
So pejam celik pejam celik its already 31 October. And 2012 is almost reaching to his really fast...suka lah tu mau kasi cepat2 umur 30...upss...betul lah ini tahun last saya kepala 2..tahun depan...kepala 3 sudah...hahahaha....saya adalah wanita berusia 30-an...ehmmm sound very weird to me...
but that's today i want to talk about my life throughout this 10 months....
yes...bukan senang menjadi Renny..saya adalah saya dan tidak mungkin menjadi orang lain... kenapa sy cakap macam ini....ada true confession...kadang-kadang (which is most of the time) saya tidak sabar dengan proses 'pemurnian' diri saya... contohnya dalam kerja saya...saya berusaha sudah supaya tidak lambat dari segi proses/prosedur yang biasa sy lakukan...tapi kadang kala, sy masih gagal capai target...sampai ada KPSU (lain seksyen) cakap 'never learn from mistake'... waktu saya dengar ni hati saya sangat susah...sedih pun ada....sampai saya bertanya kepada Tuhan...why....why I keep doing the same I never learnt from my mistake....this is not fair..ive been strugle to do and give my very best in my job...why there is still mistakes...
menjadi seorang ibu dan isteri juga bukan mudah...i have to be morrrrrreeee patience.....and yes it requires a lot of my energy to be that kind of wife...there is time i failed to do so....i do know how to be angry...sometimes i felt dissapointed...sometimes i feels underappreciate...sometimes i felt im lonely...sometimes i felt no body understand my so emosional kan...
but itulah saya...this few days...i was remind by the story of he faced with so many trials and how he so confident to overcome it...(read the bible).... bayangkan Daniel terang2 suda di masukkan dalam gua dan ada singa yg lapar mau makan dia...tapi apa jadi....Daniel terus berharap kepada Tuhan...bahkan semakin kuat dia berdoa dan mencari wajah Tuhan...saya selalu fikir saya ni belum sampai mau kena baham dengan singa ka harimau ka....takkan secepat itu saya putus asa..takkan lah saya ni tidak yakin dengan pertolongan dan perlindungan dari Tuhan....
Then dari situ saya strike back....semangat sy kembali naik... I want to fight back... saya belajar untuk bersabar dengan proses pembelajaran dari hidup sendiri...memang banyak kata2 orang yang boleh melemahkan kita menjatuhkan kita...tapi 2 Tim 1:7 ingatkan sy pada hari ini bahawa sahnya roh yang ada dalam sy bukan roh yang memberikan ketakutan tapi roh yang membangkitkan kekuatan, kasih dan ketertiban...dan semua itu hanya diperoleh dengan hubungan doa dengan sang Pencipta....
so here I am...LIFE must be go chill out...semangat....jum ada 2 bulan lagi mau kasi abis 2012...pastinya setiap hari ada jalan ceritanya sendiri.....
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sila Hormati!
Baru-baru ini..timbul satu isu mengenai lagu Jaclyn Victor (Juara Malaysian Idol) bertajuk 'Harapan Bangsa'..
kununnya..lagu ini telah menyentuh sensitiviti orang melayu khususnya mereka yang beragama Islam...
Well...saya berpandangan lagu ini sebenarnya bukan ditujukan kepada mereka yang beragama Islam...dan langsung tiada kena mengena dengan bangsa Melayu...
Lagu ini dicipta utk gereja-gereja yang berbahasa Melayu...especially gereja di Sabah dan lagu ini utk di kalangan sendiri pada sy TIADA isu soal menyentuh sensitiviti orang Islam...
Saya hari demi hari semakin pelik... dengan keadaan di Malaysia yang sering tidak menentu ini... katanya 'Bebas Beragama'... tapi kenapa ya...ada berlakunya seperti ini?
Kepada yang berkenaan...sebelum mengeluarkan perkataan atau pendapat..fikirkan dulu impactnya pada orang lain... hormatilah kebebasan beragama pada orang lain...
Sekian, pandangan sy!
kununnya..lagu ini telah menyentuh sensitiviti orang melayu khususnya mereka yang beragama Islam...
Well...saya berpandangan lagu ini sebenarnya bukan ditujukan kepada mereka yang beragama Islam...dan langsung tiada kena mengena dengan bangsa Melayu...
Lagu ini dicipta utk gereja-gereja yang berbahasa Melayu...especially gereja di Sabah dan lagu ini utk di kalangan sendiri pada sy TIADA isu soal menyentuh sensitiviti orang Islam...
Saya hari demi hari semakin pelik... dengan keadaan di Malaysia yang sering tidak menentu ini... katanya 'Bebas Beragama'... tapi kenapa ya...ada berlakunya seperti ini?
Kepada yang berkenaan...sebelum mengeluarkan perkataan atau pendapat..fikirkan dulu impactnya pada orang lain... hormatilah kebebasan beragama pada orang lain...
Sekian, pandangan sy!
Thank God belum sampai waktunya...
Yes I thanked God...just for everything...
Included this 'thing'...
As u all know (or as I shared here before)., for my 1st pregnancy...we didnt plan it all...we just berserah and if there is God will for us to have baby..we just ok! sebab itu...saya mengandungkan Joshua selepas 2 bulan berumah tangga...
Then after Joshua lahir...mengharungi mummyhood and parenthood...we (my husband and I) realized that we really need to make family planning after Joshua...bagi Joshua sepenuh kasih dan sayang...then we think of for the second one....
ding dong ding dong.....the story begin when my period datang lambat bulan ni...kitaran haid selepas pantang dan after beberapa back to normal iaitu antara 22-28 bila bulan ni lambat 5 mulai RISAU...nah sudah...takkan melekat kot?...
Saya memang risau..tapi beberapa ketika...sya katakan kepada Tuhan...kalau memang Tuhan lihat kami sebenarnya ready untuk yang kedua..biarlah kehendak Tuhan yang jadi...masa tu sy belum check..sya masih mau tunggu...
Tapi start hari isnin kesihatan sy mulai terganggu...ada sedikit batuk...terus saya teringat..kalau sayabetul-betul pregnant..mana boleh saya sembarang minum ubat batuk...nah ambil keputusan sy kena buat test juga...
TAPI syukurlah..(hehe)..Tuhan itu jauh lebih tau yang terbaik untuk anak-anakNya...
Belum sempat sy test..pagi tadi sy sudah nampak lendir coklat (going to red)...o finally sy period.... I said, kalau Tuhan bagi sy tidak menolak...cuma Tuhan itu tau keadaan kami..and especially saya... :)
So...after this kena lebih hati2....
Included this 'thing'...
As u all know (or as I shared here before)., for my 1st pregnancy...we didnt plan it all...we just berserah and if there is God will for us to have baby..we just ok! sebab itu...saya mengandungkan Joshua selepas 2 bulan berumah tangga...
Then after Joshua lahir...mengharungi mummyhood and parenthood...we (my husband and I) realized that we really need to make family planning after Joshua...bagi Joshua sepenuh kasih dan sayang...then we think of for the second one....
ding dong ding dong.....the story begin when my period datang lambat bulan ni...kitaran haid selepas pantang dan after beberapa back to normal iaitu antara 22-28 bila bulan ni lambat 5 mulai RISAU...nah sudah...takkan melekat kot?...
Saya memang risau..tapi beberapa ketika...sya katakan kepada Tuhan...kalau memang Tuhan lihat kami sebenarnya ready untuk yang kedua..biarlah kehendak Tuhan yang jadi...masa tu sy belum check..sya masih mau tunggu...
Tapi start hari isnin kesihatan sy mulai terganggu...ada sedikit batuk...terus saya teringat..kalau saya
TAPI syukurlah..(hehe)..Tuhan itu jauh lebih tau yang terbaik untuk anak-anakNya...
Belum sempat sy test..pagi tadi sy sudah nampak lendir coklat (going to red)...o finally sy period.... I said, kalau Tuhan bagi sy tidak menolak...cuma Tuhan itu tau keadaan kami..and especially saya... :)
So...after this kena lebih hati2....
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I'm a bit berserabut at this moment. Last night, my father sms me and told me that my mum has been admitted to Emergency Ward. Sakit kepala yang sangat teruk. Pity my mum... I pray that she will recover very soon...a bit regret because I couldnt visit her...TIKET MAHAL!! time-time cuti macam ni...tiket semua Rm2++....
In the meantime, I also not really feeling well. I got slightly headache plus cough! Joshua pun sama...mungkin musim demam kot sekarang ni...
Ofis pula...semangat kerja itu mulai menurun...mungkin sebab saya mengalami kerja2 rutin...paperwork yang berterusan...sigh! Trasa mau cuti hujung tahun dah...kalau masa-masa begini dapat berehat sambil mandi manda di laut alangkah bestnya...sambil ajar c rapha nice it would be kan...
Oklah...gotta continue my work...sementara semangat ku yang tersisa belum hilang....
Good day everyone
In the meantime, I also not really feeling well. I got slightly headache plus cough! Joshua pun sama...mungkin musim demam kot sekarang ni...
Ofis pula...semangat kerja itu mulai menurun...mungkin sebab saya mengalami kerja2 rutin...paperwork yang berterusan...sigh! Trasa mau cuti hujung tahun dah...kalau masa-masa begini dapat berehat sambil mandi manda di laut alangkah bestnya...sambil ajar c rapha nice it would be kan...
Oklah...gotta continue my work...sementara semangat ku yang tersisa belum hilang....
Good day everyone
Monday, October 15, 2012
Oh My English! HeLP ME...
On this day onwards..I will write in English... well not so pure English..(like those my friends..which I adore their writing skills... Bien and Jaclyn, not forgetting u,deepa ...)...because for the time being..I am still if you read my will know my English is more to MANGLISH....*FAINT*..but please bear with my me...I will try to improve myself..
This suddened decision is actually made due to my 'crangky-husband'.. (-_-')...hehehe...He wanted to learn how to speak better English....but he doesnt know where to start and how to be better.... So I guess... as his wife I should help him...but to help him I should help myself first, right?! I may understand English a little bit better than him...can talk and read better than him...but when I compare to the real standard of English...I think I still in the range of so-so... (Bolehlah kampung2 orang bilang)....
So...please please...if you (yes u my readers!) help me too in learning English...for a start..u can always drop a comment or talk to me thru BBM or whatsapp using English ya....and I will try to reply it with English too... (^_^)...
Till my next Entry!
This suddened decision is actually made due to my '
So...please please...if you (yes u my readers!) help me too in learning English...for a start..u can always drop a comment or talk to me thru BBM or whatsapp using English ya....and I will try to reply it with English too... (^_^)...
Till my next Entry!
Friday, October 12, 2012
saja mau update!
So sorry...I've been neglecting my blog for a week..niat di hati bulan Okt ni akan penuh dengan gambar sana sini...but then sy kuciwa dengan samsung wonder sy...gambar x dapat ditransfer ke heran betul.... bila jadi macam tu mood menulis pun terikut sama!
By the way, saya agak sibuk beberapa waktu ini...banyak benda terkejar sana sini....2 hari lepas baru siap ikut Bengkel...Hotel Pan Pacific KLIA....makanan sangat SUPERB! ^^
Indeed its a good and fruitful experience...buat servis ni sy punya partner banyak JP* lah nampak gayanya...
Anyway...nanti sy cerita panjang lagi work to do..
By the way, saya agak sibuk beberapa waktu ini...banyak benda terkejar sana sini....2 hari lepas baru siap ikut Bengkel...Hotel Pan Pacific KLIA....makanan sangat SUPERB! ^^
Indeed its a good and fruitful experience...buat servis ni sy punya partner banyak JP* lah nampak gayanya...
Anyway...nanti sy cerita panjang lagi work to do..
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
No matter how much we fight,
Or don't get to spend together enough time.
I will never be able to explain what you mean to me,
You are like a rainbow coming from a cloud underneath.
Happy Birthday to you my love.
Or don't get to spend together enough time.
I will never be able to explain what you mean to me,
You are like a rainbow coming from a cloud underneath.
Happy Birthday to you my love.
Heavenly Father, Please bless mike,
for today is his birthday.
Dear Lord, please protect and guide mike as he
continues along the path you’ve chosen for him.
Give him the courage to follow in your light, and feel
your love wherever he goes.
Make him strong and give him the strength to make
good decisions in the coming year. Keep him free from
illness and sadness, for he is a truly good person who
deserves happiness and success in all aspects of life.
We know that life is like a book. With each new
chapter, we learn and grow towards what you would
have us be. Bless mike now on this day, and in the future.
In your name I pray,
Monday, October 1, 2012
You walk the talk first
The Government wants us to change our lifestyles to cope with inflation. It is easier said than done since most people were having it difficult even before the hikes. The Government must first set an example by doing things it should have done long ago.

WITH the recent hike in fuel prices and the Government’s exhortations for us to change our lifestyles in order to cope, may I provide here some suggestions for the Government and those who work for it to “share our burden”.
1. Stop having meetings, especially out at resorts, far enough away to be able to claim transport allowances. Have online meetings instead or teleconferences. Use Skype or chat.
2. No need to order special pens, bags, T-shirts, notepads and other goodies for those same meetings.
3. No need to order kuih for mid-morning or teatime meetings in government offices, or nasi briyani lunches for those meetings that happen to end just at lunchtime.
4. Cancel all trips for government servants to conferences overseas unless they return with full reports of what they did there, who they met and what they learnt and how they mean to apply what they learnt at home. Ask them to do presentations to colleagues who did not get to go, on the most interesting and important papers that they read.
5. Scrutinise invoices for contracts to make sure they are truly reflective of what those projects or supplies cost.
6. Stop elaborate launches for government programmes. In particular, stop the buying of souvenirs, special batik shirts, corsages, bouquets and caps.
7. Make all civil servants and politicians travel economy class. That means really travelling at the back of the plane and not buying full fare economy class tickets that allow them to be upgraded to Business Class.
8. Stop having the full complement of police escorts to cut down on petrol costs. If they need to be somewhere by a certain time, start earlier like the rest of us. Wouldn’t be a bad thing for them to also experience a traffic jam.
9. Once a week (or more), have ministers use public transport so they know what everyone else has to suffer. This might provide them with the incentive to improve them.
10. Once a week, let ministers go to a market to buy food for their families with instructions to not spend more than RM100.
11. Get ministers to carpool. They might get more work done just by being able to talk to each other to see what can be coordinated between their ministries. For instance, the Ministers of Health and Women could discuss what to do about women’s health issues in the car on the way to work. Maybe have a secretary to travel in the front seat to take down notes on what was discussed. By the time they get to their offices, things can get implemented.
12. Once a month, get civil servants to work with one disadvantaged group in order to be better able to appreciate their problems. It could be blind people one month, hearing disabled people the next, orang asli the following month and people living with HIV/AIDS after that.
We could start buddy systems which pair one civil servant with one disadvantaged person and at the end of it, ask each pair to make recommendations on how to make life better for each other. This might get rid of the problem of desk jockeys, people who never stray very far from their desks yet make policies for people they know nothing about.
13. Have PA systems that shout out the name of the officers who have to serve people at government offices so that people get the services they came for and don’t have to keep coming back just because the officer was out having coffee.
No counter should be left unmanned for more than five minutes before the officer is paged to go back to their stations. This should cut down waiting time for the public and save them transport costs in having to keep returning just to get one thing done.
14. Government officers who lose people’s files should be fined and have their names publicised for being careless and causing inconvenience to the public. Instead of making the public travel to their offices several times to deal with their problems, they should travel to go see their client and deal with it right there and then.
And every officer who goes out of the office should be given a reasonable time to get his work done after which he is expected back in office so he doesn't waste time doing something else.
15. And newspapers should save paper by reporting real news rather than non-news that they carry, particularly nonsensical utterances by politicians.
As they say, we need to do this all together in order to make a difference. So if the Government and politicians make these lifestyle changes, I will do my part and change mine.
Dear Marina Mahathir...
Saya respect dengan keberanian kamu menyuarakan pendapat...walaupun kamu itu sebenarnya anak Mantan PM tapi nampak sekali..agak berbeza haluannya...
No. 1 - Saya jenis yang tidak boleh lama2 stay di office...saya suka sekali sekala dapat keluar ofis...ambil angin kalau sekali sekala ada acara atau meeting di Luar OFFICE...itu bagi sy reward kepada CIVIL SERVANTS...dan biasanya kalau ada pengangkutan disediakan...memang TIDAK BOLEH claim mileage pun...mau pakai teleconference..idea yang bagus..tapi sejauh mana keberkesanan ka kaedah itu? have u tried meeting thru skype? OFFICIAL MEETING?
No. 2 - AGREED
No. 3 - AGREED. Sebenarnya sudah ada dasar penjimatan pun...tapi x tau macam mana, ada meeting yg masih sangat mewah..tapi kan..
No. 4 - Tidak sampai tahap CANCEL ALL kali kan...tapi saya setuju..perlu pergi dengan balik 'berisi'...ini kadang2 yang pegi tu bukan buat report pun..paling yg betul2 kena pergi x dpt pergi bagi sama orang lain...alih2 orang yang x pergi kena buat report..yang ini memang SYA pun setuju dengan MM.
No, 5 - Saya rasa suda dilaksanakan pun sekarang
No. 6 - ehmmm...biasalah acara governments...siapa lagi kalo bukan gov yang promote...
No.7 - Sekarang ikut gred..kalau gred bos memang layak lah naik first class...tapi x apalah...itu kan keistimewaan...ingat murah ka business class...semua orang teringin mau sekali merasa business class...
No,8 - hahaha...I dont thing Politician will agree on this....but actually it sound interesting to make them experience traffic jam...ehm ada kos tambahan ka kena escort?
No.9 - Agreed, Even PM has done that. Gov should increase/upgrading the public transportations/facilities
No,10 - AGreed. Now adays memang barang MAHAL!
No,11 - wah? boleh ka menjadi ni MM? carpool?
No,12 - IDea ni bagus.
No,13 - Alahai...takkanlah orang pg toilet sekejap pun kena PA juga....lainlah kalau terlampau lama kan...
No,14 - mesti MM ada pengalaman ni hilang dokumen then kena minta balik...tapi jangan hukum sampai tahap macam tu lah bah...
No,15 - agreed!
Saya bagi pandangan sebagai CIVIL ada yang sy setuju ada yg mungkin boleh diimprove kan ada yang rasanya tidak boleh what say u about this?
Tetiba saja...
Did I ever share here...upppss I think NO...
well...ini post saja minta puji ok...layankan saja...kegedikan mode ku yang tiba-tiba...
o...sepanjang kerja di Unit HR...menguruskan penempatan orang2 atasan... orang2 kanan..orang2 kurang kanan... dari dalam ke luar...dari luar ke dalam....sampai lah satu hari telefon berdering...
Telefon ofis: Helo...ini Puan Renny ye?...Bahagian...P** , M**** saya...
Telefon Ofis: Sya Mejar Dr. Faiz ye...bagaimana dengan status pelanjutan sy sebagai ....bla bla ....
Me: (dalam hati)..Mejar? Dr. Faiz?? Dr. Faiz...the astronaut tu ke?REALLY? he called me...OMG...
(bertenang) saya Dr....berkenaan dengan bla bla bla....
Telefon ofis: ok kalau ada apa terkini pls update number sy.......
Siapa sangka kan...saya cuma kenal dia dari jauh....tau2 gitu2 je...waktu sy proses kes dia ni pun...least expectations sy yang dia akan call..jauh sekali call sy yang cuma pegawai ciput ja ni...hahaha
ok ok...sudah2 lah tu kan....uuu suara dia? lembut...penuh sopan santun..ihiikkks..
well...ini post saja minta puji ok...layankan saja...
o...sepanjang kerja di Unit HR...menguruskan penempatan orang2 atasan... orang2 kanan..orang2 kurang kanan... dari dalam ke luar...dari luar ke dalam....sampai lah satu hari telefon berdering...
Telefon ofis: Helo...ini Puan Renny ye?...Bahagian...P** , M**** saya...
Telefon Ofis: Sya Mejar Dr. Faiz ye...bagaimana dengan status pelanjutan sy sebagai ....bla bla ....
Me: (dalam hati)..Mejar? Dr. Faiz?? Dr. Faiz...the astronaut tu ke?REALLY? he called me...OMG...
(bertenang) saya Dr....berkenaan dengan bla bla bla....
Telefon ofis: ok kalau ada apa terkini pls update number sy.......
Siapa sangka kan...saya cuma kenal dia dari jauh....tau2 gitu2 je...waktu sy proses kes dia ni pun...least expectations sy yang dia akan call..jauh sekali call sy yang cuma pegawai ciput ja ni...hahaha
ok ok...sudah2 lah tu kan....uuu suara dia? lembut...penuh sopan santun..ihiikkks..
I wanted to say HELLO OCTOBER...
It's 1st of October.. Hello...
Life has been great to me...
My son semakin active and super manja to his mummy...
Work is fine....though there is rough here and there...but still can be handle...
Marriage... still in adjusting...still in learning process to digest the difference and to understand the gap between two different personalities and life upbringing...well someone very close to me said...the first 3 years is adjusting time for couple...the sooner for the both side to understand and had this give and take...the sooner the '2 become 1' process...
Ok...then...more pictures coming very very soon....
Life has been great to me...
My son semakin active and super manja to his mummy...
Work is fine....though there is rough here and there...but still can be handle...
Marriage... still in adjusting...still in learning process to digest the difference and to understand the gap between two different personalities and life upbringing...well someone very close to me said...the first 3 years is adjusting time for couple...the sooner for the both side to understand and had this give and take...the sooner the '2 become 1' process...
Ok...then...more pictures coming very very soon....
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